Why Should I get a WDI Inspections?
Have you ever been curious about what else might be living in your home? Adding a wood destroying insect (WDI) inspection can help answer that question. As a certified professional inspector, I am trained to help identify these pesky intruders. If identified you then can use the report as leverage to negotiate for a treatment and/or repairs. This could save you hundreds! |
In Michigan, we have what is known as Eastern Subterranean termites. This type of termite is the most damaging insects of wood. Their presence is hard to notice, and damage usually is found before the termites are seen. As termites feed they weaken buildings, causing issues with a house's framing that can lead to costly repairs or even a collapse. Since these termites work inside the wood, it may be years before residents suspect an infestation. |
Carpenter Ants
These ants can range from 1/4"-1/2" in size. The most common color is black, but some species may be brown, reddish, or even have a yellowish coloration. Carpenter ants build nests, they dig out tunnels in wood, weakening it from the inside. They do not eat wood like termites. They chew and leave the sawdust-like material behind. A long-term infestation with multiple colonies in a home could lead to serious structural damage. |
Carpenter ants entering a home near a fireplace.
Carpenter ants found leaving the corner of garage.
Powderpost Beetles
The term "powderpost beetle" may refer to several different kinds of wood-infesting beetles. Beetle species that infest primarily hardwoods, softwoods, or both. The damage produced by these beetles may be small round holes (about the size of a pencil lead). The first sign of an infestation is usually a small amount of powder, called frass. The frass appears in or around a piece of wood that has been attacked by the beetle larvae. The simplest treatment is to remove and replace the infested wood. If left unattended the larvae could continually reinfest the wood, sometimes causing structural damage. |